What is bizSAFE: Certifications, Processes, Benefits and Requirements

Written By: SCAL Academy

Date: 25 April 2024

Topic: WSH Compliance and Auditing

What is bizSAFE: Certifications, Processes, Benefits and Requirements

Workplace safety and health are crucial for businesses, employees, and society at large. Employers have a responsibility to ensure that their employees work in a safe and healthy environment, and employees have a right to work in a safe workplace. In Singapore, bizSAFE is a program designed to help companies improve their workplace safety and health standards. In this article, we will delve into the details of the bizSAFE program and explore its benefits, requirements, and processes.


What is bizSAFE?

bizSAFE is a national program launched by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) in Singapore in 2007. It aims to help companies improve their workplace safety and health standards, reduce accidents and injuries, and create a safer working environment for employees. The program is a joint initiative between MOM and the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council, a tripartite body comprising representatives from the government, unions, and employers.


Why is bizSAFE important?

Workplace accidents and injuries can have serious consequences for companies, employees, and society at large. They can result in loss of life, injuries, property damage, and loss of productivity. They can also damage a company's reputation, attract legal and financial liabilities, and affect employee morale and well-being. By implementing the bizSAFE program, companies can improve their safety and health standards, reduce accidents and injuries, and create a culture of safety and health in the workplace.


How does the bizSAFE program work?

The bizSAFE program is a step-by-step approach to improving workplace safety and health. It consists of five levels, each with its own set of requirements and criteria. To obtain bizSAFE certification, companies must fulfil the requirements of each level and pass an audit by an approved WSH auditor.

The five levels of bizSAFE are:

  • bizSAFE Level 1

  • bizSAFE Level 2

  • bizSAFE Level 3

  • bizSAFE Level 4

  • bizSAFE STAR


Types of bizSAFE certification

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There are five types of bizSAFE certification:

bizSAFE Level 1

Your company's top management must obtain a Certificate of Completion by attending the Top Executive WSH Programme (TEWP), which will be conducted as a half-day workshop, or an e-learning course.

To start the bizSAFE journey, the top management of the enterprise must show commitment into safety. This is a half day Workshop for Company CEO and Top Management. It covers the requirements for achiveing bizSAFE Level 1 under bizSAFE Programme. At the end of the workshop, the management commitment of the participating companies will be demonstrated by endorsing the WSH policy of the company.

Starting from April 1, 2024, the TEWP will replace the bizSAFE Workshop for CEO/Top Management (bizSAFE Level 1). The bizSAFE Workshop for CEO/Top Management course will be discontinued on March 31, 2024.


bizSAFE Level 2

Your company must obtain a WSQ Statement of Attainment for the "Develop Risk Management Implementation Plan" course.

To continue the safety journey to Level 2, the enterprise must appoint a Risk Management Champion to attend bizSAFE course on Risk Management Course. At the end of the course, the Risk Management Champion is to assist the enterprise in developing the Risk Management Plan.


bizSAFE Level 3

Your company must have one of the following:

  • Risk Management Audit Report

  • Singapore Contractors Association Ltd's (SCAL's) Singapore List of Trade Subcontractors (SLOTS) membership certificate, together with the company Safety & Green Management Assessment Scheme (SgMA) certificate

  • Joint Commission International (JCI) certificate

  • Responsible Care Award winner

To achieve bizSAFE Level 3, the enterprise must implement the Risk Management Plan. Upon implementation of the plan, SC2, as an approved independent auditor will access and evaluate your Risk Management Plan according to Workplace Safety & Health (Risk Management) Regulations.


bizSAFE Level 4

Your company must obtain bizSAFE Level 3 Certification and one of the following:

  • WSQ Statement of Attainment for "Develop a Workplace Safety and Health Management System (WSHMS) Implementation Plan" course

  • WSQ Statement of Attainment for "Workplace Safety and Health System Management" course

  • Attained WSH-related qualifications acceptable by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM)

  • Registered Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Officer Licence with MOM

For Level 4, the enterprise is to appoint at least one Workplace Safety and Health Management System (WSHMS) Programme leader / representative to attend the bizSAFE course on WSHMS.



your company must submit one of the following certifications with a Risk Management Audit Report:

  • Singapore Standard S651; or

  • ISO 45001 issued/ awarded by a certification body, accredited by Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC); or

  • ISO 45001 issued/ awarded by a cortication body, accredited by an accreditation body recognised under Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA). 

To achieve bizSAFE STAR, the enterprise must implement a Workplace Safety and Health Management System (WSHMS) in compliance with the WSH Act and certified to ISO 45001 accredited by Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) or its equivalent. Complementing with a Risk Management Audit Report, the enterprise can submit the relevant documents to apply for bizSAFE Star recognition.


Application of bizSAFE

Enterprises seeking to obtain a bizSAFE certification are required to submit their applications through the official WSH Council website. During the application process, enterprises have the option to choose the suitable bizSAFE level that aligns with their operational requirements. Subsequently, they must submit all the necessary and relevant documents for approval. This streamlined procedure ensures a systematic and efficient assessment of their safety and health management systems, leading to the successful acquisition of the bizSAFE certifications.

bizSAFE Application


Renewal of bizSAFE certification

bizSAFE certification is valid for three years from the date of certification. To renew their certification, companies must undergo a recertification audit and demonstrate that they have maintained their workplace safety and health standards.


SCAL Academy’s bizSAFE Certifications

SCAL Academy is a training center that provides various courses and certifications related to workplace safety and health. Among the certifications it offers are the bizSAFE level 1 and level 2 certifications. SCAL Academy's certification courses for bizSAFE level 1 and level 2 provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed to implement workplace safety and health measures in their organizations. These certifications are essential for companies that want to enhance their workplace safety and health standards.

bizSAFE level 1 - Top Executive WSH Programme (TEWP)

bizSAFE Level 2 - Develop a Risk Management Implementation Plan 


Benefits of bizSAFE certification

Obtaining bizSAFE certification offers several benefits for companies, including:


Common misconceptions about bizSAFE

There are several misconceptions about the bizSAFE program, including:

  • bizSAFE certification is expensive and time-consuming.

  • Only large companies can obtain bizSAFE certification.

  • bizSAFE certification is only necessary for high-risk industries.

  • bizSAFE certification is only for compliance purposes and does not add value to the company.

These misconceptions are not true. The bizSAFE program is designed to be accessible and affordable for companies of all sizes and industries. The program offers several benefits for companies, including improved workplace safety and health standards, reduced accidents and injuries, and enhanced reputation and credibility.


Challenges of implementing bizSAFE

Implementing the bizSAFE program can be challenging for companies, especially those that lack resources or expertise in workplace safety and health management. Some of the challenges include:

  • Lack of awareness and understanding of the program

  • Resistance to change and adoption of new practices

  • Lack of resources and expertise in workplace safety and health management

  • Lack of commitment and support from top management


Best practices for implementing bizSAFE

To overcome the challenges of implementing the bizSAFE program, companies can adopt the following best practices:

  • Develop a clear understanding of the program and its benefits

  • Create a culture of safety and health in the workplace

  • Provide adequate resources and training for employees

  • Involve employees in the implementation process

  • Obtain commitment and support from top management



The bizSAFE program is an important initiative by the Singapore government to promote workplace safety and health in the country. The program offers several benefits for companies, including improved workplace safety and health standards, reduced accidents and injuries, compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, and enhanced reputation and credibility. Obtaining bizSAFE certification is a step-by-step process that involves several stages, including Risk Management, Risk Assessment, Risk Control, and Implementation of a WSH Management System. Although implementing the bizSAFE program can be challenging for companies, adopting best practices such as developing a clear understanding of the program, creating a culture of safety and health, providing adequate resources and training, involving employees, and obtaining commitment and support from top management can help companies overcome these challenges and achieve their certification goals.


Frequently Asked Questions about bizSAFE

Q: My company's Senior Management has already attended the bizSAFE Level 1 Workshop for CEOs/ Top Management. Does he/ she need to attend the new Top Executive WSH Programme (TEWP)?

A: It is a legal requirement for the CEO or Board Director of companies in higher-risk sectors to complete the Top Executive WSH Programme. You may wish to refer to the FAQs about the Top Executive WSH Programme (TEWP).


Q: My company has attained certification in SS651/ ISO 45001. Why is there still a need to submit a Risk Management (RM) Implementation Audit Report to apply for bizSAFE Level STAR?

A: The RM Implementation Audits focuses on meeting the requirements in the Code of Practice on WSH Risk Management (RMCP), which has additional coverage on addressing risks from terrorism, disease outbreaks and mental health.


Q: My company has been placed on the Business under Surveillance Programme. How do I reinstate my bizSAFE status?

A: The Ministry of Manpower (MOM)'s Business Under Surveillance (BUS) Programme helps companies with poor workplace safety and health records to develop or improve on their safety and health management system. Once placed in BUS, your company's bizSAFE status would be suspended, and your company's information will be removed from bizSAFE Marketplace, and you may not distribute any company collaterals with the bizSAFE logo or status. To reinstate and renew your company's bizSAFE status, please contact us with the following once your company has exited from the BUS Programme: Exit Notification letter issued by MOM; and Latest Risk Management Audit Report, issued by an Auditing Organisation (AO) that is registered with the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) to provide WSH Auditing Services.


Q: How do I renew the bizSAFE recognition for my company?

A: Please note that bizSAFE Levels 1 and 2 are introductory levels to the bizSAFE Programme. The bizSAFE certificates for Levels 1 and 2 are valid for a period of 6 months from the date of approval, and are non-renewable once they expire. We encourage companies to progress to bizSAFE Level 3 and above, which recognises that your company has conducted risk assessments for your workplace, in compliance with the requirements in the WSH (Risk Management) Regulations. To renew your company's bizSAFE recognition for Level 3 and above, please complete and submit an online renewal application two months before the expiry date via bizSAFE Enterprise Application Form and attach the required documents. Your company's contact person and senior management representative will receive an automated acknowledgement email upon the submission of the application.


Q: What are the fees and costs involved to get bizSAFE recognition?

A: It is free to apply for bizSAFE recognition. However, there will be costs involved when your company representative attends the relevant bizSAFE training and courses; and engages an auditor to conduct the Risk Management Implementation Audit. To schedule a workshop or course that suits your convenience. Please engage an Auditing Organisation (AO) that is registered with the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) to provide WSH Auditing Services.


Q: I have just submitted my bizSAFE application to WSH Council. How long does it take to process the bizSAFE application?

A: It takes 10 working days from the date of submission. Once your application is approved, the bizSAFE e-certificate and logo will be sent to your company's senior management representative via email through our email apply_bizSAFE@wshc.sg. You may wish to check that your junk mail folder and ensure that our email has been included in your 'safe senders' list. Once the bizSAFE certificate is awarded, the bizSAFE status will be updated in bizSAFE Self-Help, which will be updated on our website every two weeks.


Q: Can I apply for bizSAFE if my company is not a locally-registered business?

A: Yes, the same requirements apply. Please engage an Auditing Organisation (AO) that is registered with the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) to provide WSH Auditing Services to conduct the bizSAFE Level 3 RM Implementation Audit at your overseas workplace or site office.


Q: Do I need to engage a consultant to apply for bizSAFE for my company?

A: Please submit the bizSAFE application on your own as there is risk of fraud or forgery if you delegate the application to your consultant.


Q: How do I check my company’s bizSAFE status or expiry date?

A: Beside the details stated in your bizSAFE e-Certificate, you can use bizSAFE self-help to check your bizSAFE Level, status and expiry date. Please renew your Company's bizSAFE status two months before it expires. The validity of each bizSAFE level is as follows: bizSAFE Validity from date of approval

Level 1 | 6 months Validity

Level 2 | 6 months Validity

Level 3 | 3 years* Validity

Level 4 | 3 years* Validity

STAR   | 3 years* Validity

* Valid for three years or upon expiry of the relevant external certifications (SCAL- SLOTS, JCI, Responsible Care, ISO 45001, SS 651), whichever is earlier.


Q: How do I update bizSAFE records if there are changes to my company’s particulars/personnel?

A: Please submit your request here to update: senior management’s particulars; contact person’s particulars; new company’s name but same UEN. Please email the new ACRA certificate to bizSAFE@wshc.sg However, if there is a change of the Unique Entity Number (UEN), please submit a new bizSAFE Enterprise Application. As bizSAFE applications are tagged to the UEN, we are unable to update the records.


Q: How can I obtain a copy of my company’s bizSAFE certificate?

A: Please submit your request here for a copy of: bizSAFE logo (Only for bizSAFE Level 3 and above) bizSAFE e-certificate (For expired certificates or expiring in less than 3 months, only the bizSAFE certificate number will be provided) bizSAFE certificate number


Q: Can I print the bizSAFE logo on my company name card?

A: The bizSAFE logo is a registered trademark. Only enterprises that have received a bizSAFE status awarded by the WSH Council are allowed to apply the logo on their collateral, like name cards, brochures and posters. Enterprises are only allowed to apply the logo that corresponds to the bizSAFE level which they have attained. The bizSAFE logo communication guide helps bizSAFE enterprises by clearly defining the parameters for the use of the bizSAFE logo for all communication applications. Actions will be taken by the WSH Council on the enterprise for abuse of the bizSAFE logo. Note: As bizSAFE Levels 1 and 2 are introductory levels of the bizSAFE Programme with a validity period of only 6 months and are non-renewable; companies are not recommended to print bizSAFE Levels 1 or 2 logos in their marketing collaterals as they have to be removed after 6 months. However, words in the collaterals like ‘bizSAFE Level 1 or Level 2 -recognised’ are permissible. For bizSAFE levels 3 and above, high-resolution logos will be provided together with the bizSAFE e-Certificates.


Q: I have already attended the bizSAFE course, but I cannot find my company’s name in the bizSAFE listing?

A: Employees or individuals who have attended bizSAFE courses does not automatically grant your company's bizSAFE recognition. Companies will have to submit an application with the supporting documents to the WSH Council. To apply for bizSAFE certification, please submit the bizSAFE Enterprise Application and attach the required documents. Your company's contact person and senior management will receive an automated acknowledgement email upon the submission of the application. Please allow 10 working days of processing from the date of submission. Once your application is approved, the bizSAFE e-certificate and logo will be sent to your company's senior management representative via email.


Q: Where can I obtain a copy of the certificates of the bizSAFE training/courses I had attended?

A: The WSH Council administers the bizSAFE certification for companies. For bizSAFE training and course certificates that were issued to individuals who had attended bizSAFE courses, you may wish to contact your respective training provider and/or download from the SkillsFuture portal instead.

Course Duration

0.0 Day Course

  • Training Hours – 0.0 hours

Medium Of Instruction

  • English

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