Our training activities are both physically and virtually delivered, giving you the flexibility to choose the option that best suits your schedule and needs. Our expert trainers will provide you with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in the latest environmental engineering techniques, pest control strategies, estate management principles, and environmental health practices. By attending our training activities, you will not only meet the training requirements for ECO(SCS) renewal, but you will also enhance your skills and improve your performance as an ECO. Whether you are looking to expand your knowledge base, update your skills, or simply stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends, SCAL Academy has something for everyone. Sign up for our training activities today and invest in your professional development.Enhance Your Skills and Meet the Training Requirements for ECO(SCS) Renewal
As an Environmental Control Officer (ECO), you are required to attend at least 6 accumulated hours of informal training activities related to Environmental Engineering, Pest Control, Estate Management, Environmental Health or other relevant subjects. The good news is, SCAL Academy offers a range of courses, seminars, and workshops that are specifically designed to accredit ECO(SCS) renewals.