Confined Space Regulations and Requirements in Singapore for the Construction Industry

Written By: SCAL Academy

Date: 15 April 2024

Topic: WSH Compliance and Auditing

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. Understanding Confined Spaces

  3. Roles and Responsibilities in Confined Space Safety

  4. Mandatory Requirements and Compliance for Confined Space Safety

  5. Best Practices for Confined Space Work

  6. Conclusion


Confined spaces, common in industries like construction, manufacturing, and marine operations, feature restricted access and potential hazardous atmospheres. Singapore enforces the Workplace Safety and Health (Confined Spaces) Regulations 2009, supported by the Workplace Safety and Health Act, to mandate strict safety protocols and prevent workplace accidents.

This article reviews these regulations, detailing their purpose, scope, and the obligations they place on employers and employees. It also covers the specific training provided by SCAL Academy through three key courses: WSQ Assess Confined Space for Safe Entry and Work, WSQ Supervise Work in Confined Space Operation, and Perform Work in Confined Space Operation, each designed to equip personnel from managers to entry-level workers with essential safety skills.

The following sections will detail what defines a confined space, its inherent risks, and the management of these risks through legal compliance and best practices. We will also explore the roles and responsibilities at all levels of workplace hierarchy, training requirements, emergency procedures, and compliance monitoring.


Understanding Confined Spaces

Definition of Confined Spaces as per the 2009 Regulations

A confined space, as defined by the Workplace Safety and Health (Confined Spaces) Regulations 2009, includes any chamber, tank, vat, silo, pit, pipe, flue, or other enclosed spaces with the following characteristics:

  • Presence of Hazardous Substances: These spaces may contain dangerous gases, vapors, or fumes to an extent that could pose a risk of fire or explosion, or cause incapacitation or fatal harm to individuals.

  • Inadequate Oxygen Levels: The oxygen supply may be insufficient for sustaining life, either due to natural conditions or as a result of displacement by other gases.

  • Engulfment Hazards: There is a potential risk of engulfment by materials, which could lead to entrapment or asphyxiation of personnel working within these spaces.

The regulations underscore the critical need for stringent monitoring and proactive control measures to ensure the safety and health of workers required to enter these environments as part of their job duties.


Examples of Confined Spaces in Various Industries

Confined spaces are prevalent across numerous sectors in Singapore, each presenting unique challenges and requiring specialized safety protocols:

  • Construction: Includes water and sewer pipes, manholes, and underground utility access tunnels which may be prone to sudden inflow of materials or collapse.

  • Marine: Encompasses ship holds, ballast tanks, and fuel tanks where chemical exposure and oxygen depletion are common risks.

  • Manufacturing: Features chemical storage tanks, process vessels, and silos that may contain toxic substances or flammable materials.

  • Oil and Gas: Consists of storage tanks and complex networks of interconnected tanks and vessels where the risk of fire and explosion is significantly elevated.

These examples illustrate the diverse nature of confined spaces and the imperative to tailor safety protocols to address the specific hazards of each industry effectively.


Potential Hazards in Confined Spaces

The operation within confined spaces involves a variety of risks:

  • Hazardous Atmospheres: Workers may encounter flammable gases or vapors, toxic substances, and oxygen-deficient environments that can cause serious injuries, illnesses, or fatalities through fire, explosions, poisoning, or asphyxiation.

  • Inadequate Oxygen Levels: Environments where the oxygen level falls below 19.5% can lead to hypoxia, resulting in dizziness, unconsciousness, and even death if not addressed promptly.

  • Risk of Engulfment: There is a danger that workers may be engulfed by materials like sand, grain, or other shifting substances, potentially leading to life-threatening asphyxiation.


Effective management of these hazards is crucial for maintaining safety and adheres to the rigorous regulatory requirements set forth by Singapore’s safety regulations. Employers are mandated to implement comprehensive hazard identification, risk assessments, and control measures to mitigate these risks and ensure the safety of all personnel involved in confined space work.


Roles and Responsibilities in Confined Space Safety

Employer Responsibilities

Employers have comprehensive obligations under the Workplace Safety and Health (Confined Spaces) Regulations 2009 to ensure a safe work environment in confined spaces:

  • Ensuring Compliance: Employers must adhere to the specific stipulations outlined in the regulations, such as ensuring that all confined spaces are properly assessed for hazards, that entry permits are issued correctly, and that safety measures like adequate ventilation and emergency exits are in place. Compliance also includes abiding by the legal requirements for atmospheric testing and making sure that all safety equipment meets national safety standards.

  • Safety Training: It is mandatory for employers to provide extensive training for all workers involved in confined space operations. This training should cover hazard recognition, the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), emergency procedures, and proper communication methods while inside confined spaces. Refresher training sessions must be conducted regularly to keep all employees up-to-date with the latest safety practices and equipment.

  • Record-Keeping: Employers are required to maintain comprehensive records of all confined space operations. This includes documentation of risk assessments, copies of issued entry permits, details of safety inspections, training records for all employees, and any incidents or near-misses that occur within confined spaces.


Confined Space Managers and Assessors

Managers and assessors are critical to ensuring the ongoing safety of confined space operations:

  • Risk Assessments: Prior to any confined space entry, it is the responsibility of confined space managers and assessors to conduct detailed risk assessments. These assessments must identify all potential hazards such as toxic gas exposure, oxygen deficiency, or risks of explosion, and outline necessary preventative measures.

  • Issuing Permits: Confined space safety assessors must issue entry permits that clearly state the conditions under which the space is safe to enter. This includes specifying the required safety equipment, entry and exit procedures, and any limitations on the duration of entry.

  • Safety Checks: Continuous monitoring of confined space conditions is essential. Managers and assessors should conduct regular safety audits to ensure compliance with all safety regulations and the effectiveness of existing risk control measures.


Confined Space Attendants

Attendants are essential for monitoring the well-being of workers inside confined spaces:

  • Safety Monitoring: Attendants must monitor the confined space continuously while it is occupied. This includes checking environmental conditions, such as air quality and potential shifts in the physical space that could pose new risks.

  • Emergency Response: In the event of an emergency, attendants are responsible for activating the emergency response plan, which includes notifying rescue teams, assisting with evacuations, and coordinating with external emergency services if necessary.


Employee Responsibilities

Individuals working in or around confined spaces have direct responsibilities for their safety and the safety of their coworkers:

  • Adhering to Safety Protocols: Employees must follow all safety protocols related to confined space work. This includes entering spaces only when an entry permit has been granted and using all provided safety equipment properly.

  • Hazard Reporting: Workers are required to report any unsafe conditions or hazards within confined spaces immediately to their supervisors or confined space attendants.

  • Participation in Training: Employees must participate in all initial and ongoing safety training programs. This training is crucial for understanding the specific hazards associated with the confined spaces they will be entering and for learning how to use safety equipment and emergency procedures correctly.


Mandatory Requirements and Compliance for Confined Space Safety

In this section, we will cover the key mandatory requirements and compliance for confined space safety. The key mandatory requirements and compliance are as follows:

  • Entry Permit Systems and Compliance

  • Atmosphere Testing Requirements

  • Safety and Health Training

  • Procedures for Emergency and Rescue Operations

  • Record-Keeping for Confined Spaces

  • Monitoring and Enforcement


Entry Permit Systems and Compliance

Entry permits are crucial documents that ensure each confined space job is planned and executed safely. Here's a detailed breakdown of the permit process

Permit Requirements:

  1. Initiation: A supervisor or a designated safety officer assesses the need for entry and initiates the permit process.

  2. Hazard Assessment: A confined space safety assessor conducts a thorough evaluation of the space to identify potential hazards and determine necessary control measures.

  3. Permit Issuance: The assessor completes the permit, detailing the purpose of entry, duration, list of entrants, hazards identified, measures for hazard control, and emergency contact information.

  4. Review and Approval: The permit must then be reviewed and signed off by an authorized manager, confirming that all safety measures are in place before any entry is permitted.


Staff Involvement:

  • Safety Officers must have training in hazard recognition and risk assessment.

  • Confined Space Assessors require specific training in evaluating confined spaces and determining safety protocols.

  • Authorized Managers should be trained in oversight and emergency management specific to confined space operations.


Compliance Checks

To ensure that the conditions of the entry permit are continuously met, compliance checks are critical:

  • Pre-Entry Checks: Before entry, a final review of the permit and all safety measures is conducted. This includes verifying that atmospheric tests are within safe limits and that all equipment and PPE are in place and functional.

  • Continuous Monitoring: Compliance officers or designated safety personnel should conduct regular checks to ensure ongoing adherence to the permit conditions during the operation.

  • Post-Entry Review: After the operation, a debrief should occur to review compliance and discuss any incidents or near-misses, which can help refine future safety measures.


Atmosphere Testing Requirements

Atmospheric testing in confined spaces is crucial to detect any hazardous conditions that may endanger workers. Here’s a detailed look at what needs to be monitored:

What to Test For: The primary atmospheric hazards in confined spaces include toxic gases, flammable gases or vapors, and oxygen deficiency or enrichment. Key gases to monitor typically include hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, methane, and any site-specific chemical vapors that could be present due to the work environment or previous contents of the space.

  • Oxygen Levels: The safe range for oxygen in air by volume is between 19.5% and 23.5%. Below 19.5% can lead to asphyxiation due to oxygen deficiency, while levels above 23.5% create a risk of fire or explosion.

  • Flammable Gases: These should be below 10% of their Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). This ensures that there is no risk of fire or explosion under normal working conditions.

  • Toxic Gases: Concentrations must be kept below established Threshold Limit Values (TLV) or Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL) which vary depending on the specific gas.


Continuous Monitoring: To ensure continuous safety during operations, confined spaces should be monitored using portable or fixed gas detection systems that can provide real-time readings. These systems must be:

  • Calibrated: Regular calibration according to the manufacturer's guidelines is essential to ensure accuracy.

  • Maintained: Routine checks and maintenance are required to ensure that sensors and alarms are functioning correctly.

  • Strategically Placed: Sensors should be placed where there is a risk of gas pooling, which could be at the lowest point for heavier-than-air gases, or near the top for lighter-than-air gases.


Safety and Health Training

Effective training is fundamental to ensuring safety and health in confined space operations. It equips personnel with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform their tasks safely and respond appropriately in emergencies. Here’s an in-depth look at the importance of training as required by the confined space regulations:


Overview of Training Requirements

Training for confined space work is not just a regulatory requirement but a critical component of any safety management system:

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Training must cover all aspects of confined space work, including hazard recognition, safe entry and exit procedures, emergency response, and the correct use of personal protective equipment (PPE).

  • Targeted to Roles: Different roles require different levels of training. For instance, entrants need practical knowledge on entering and working safely, attendants require skills in monitoring and communication, and supervisors must understand how to manage the overall safety of operations.


SCAL Academy’s Confined Space Training Program

SCAL Academy offers a range of courses tailored to meet the needs of various personnel involved in confined space work:

Course Details:


Training Objectives and Curriculum:

  • Objective: To ensure that all personnel are aware of the hazards they might face and are fully prepared to take necessary precautions.

  • Curriculum: Includes theoretical knowledge about laws and regulations, practical skills for safe work practices, and hands-on training with safety equipment and emergency procedures.


Certification and How It Meets Regulatory Requirements

  • Certification Process: Upon successful completion of the training, participants receive a certificate that serves as a formal acknowledgment of their capabilities in confined space safety.

  • Regulatory Alignment: These certifications confirm that the training meets or exceeds the standards set by local regulatory bodies, ensuring that all personnel are compliant with national safety regulations.


Importance of Regular Refresher Training

  • Keeping Skills Current: The dynamic nature of confined space work and periodic updates to safety regulations necessitate regular refresher courses to keep workers’ skills up to date.

  • Reinforcement of Safety Practices: Regular training helps reinforce the importance of safety practices and ensures that safety remains a priority in everyday operations.


Procedures for Emergency and Rescue Operations

Effective emergency response planning is vital for confined space safety:

Planning Emergency Responses:

  1. Risk-Specific Plans: Develop emergency plans tailored to the specific risks of each confined space, considering factors such as access difficulties and potential hazardous exposures.

  2. Involvement of Staff: Safety officers, first responders, and all employees entering the space should be involved in emergency plan development to ensure that plans are realistic and comprehensive.


Rescue Team Preparation:

  • Training: Rescue teams must receive specialized training in confined space rescue techniques, including the use of breathing apparatus, rescue harnesses, and patient extraction methods.

  • Drills: Regular drills should be conducted in the actual confined spaces or realistic simulations to ensure that rescue teams and workers are proficient in emergency procedures.


Methods and Equipment:

  • Non-entry Rescue: Whenever possible, use methods that do not require rescuers to enter the confined space, such as retrieval lines attached to harnesses worn by entrants.

  • Entry Rescue: For situations where non-entry rescue is not possible, ensure that rescue personnel have safe access and egress routes, and use appropriate respiratory protection and other necessary equipment.


Record-Keeping for Confined Spaces

Effective record-keeping is crucial for maintaining compliance with confined space regulations. Here’s how it should be managed:

Responsibility: The duty of maintaining records typically lies with the confined space manager or safety officer. They ensure all documentation is complete, up-to-date, and readily accessible for audits or reviews.


Content of Records: The records must include:

  • Entry Permits: Details of each entry into confined spaces, including the date, participants, and purpose.

  • Atmospheric Test Results: Documented readings from before and during entry to monitor safe conditions.

  • Training Logs: Dates and details of safety training sessions attended by employees, including content covered and attendee lists.

  • Incident Reports: Any accidents or near-misses, with detailed analyses and follow-up actions.


Storage and Duration: Records should be kept in a secure electronic format to ensure durability and confidentiality, typically for at least two years, as stipulated under the Workplace Safety and Health (Confined Spaces) Regulations 2009 .


Monitoring and Enforcement

To ensure continuous adherence to confined space safety standards, both monitoring and enforcement protocols are necessary:


  • Internal Audits: Conducted by the organization’s safety personnel, these reviews regularly assess operational compliance with safety protocols, including examining entry permits, safety equipment, and incident reports.

  • External Inspections: Performed by regulatory bodies to ensure organizations meet national safety standards. Inspections may include reviews of record-keeping practices, safety measure implementation, and compliance with training requirements.



  • Penalties for Non-Compliance: The Workplace Safety and Health Act outlines stringent penalties for breaches of safety regulations. For example, individuals may face fines up to $20,000 or imprisonment for up to 2 years, or both, while corporate entities can be fined up to $20,000 for each violation . Repeat offenses may lead to higher fines or more severe penalties depending on the nature of the breach.

Encouraging Compliance Through Continuous Improvement:

  • Beyond penalties, encouraging compliance through positive reinforcement and continuous improvement can lead to better safety outcomes:

  • Incentive Programs: Some organizations implement incentive programs that reward teams for maintaining flawless safety records, which can include training benefits, recognitions, or bonuses.

  • Feedback Mechanisms: Establishing open channels for employees to provide feedback on safety practices can help identify potential areas for improvement and encourage proactive compliance.


These measures ensure that the safety protocols for confined spaces are not only followed but are also effective in maintaining worker safety and health. Monitoring and enforcement are thus integral to the regulatory framework, providing the necessary checks to prevent workplace accidents and uphold high safety standards.


Best Practices for Confined Space Work

Ensuring safety in confined spaces involves more than just compliance with regulations; it also requires the adoption of best practices that enhance the safety culture and operational efficiency. This section will discuss strategies and technologies that can help organizations achieve these goals.


Use of Technology and Tools to Enhance Safety

Advancements in technology can significantly improve safety in confined spaces:

  • Gas Detection Devices: Modern, portable gas detectors with real-time monitoring capabilities can alert workers to hazardous conditions before they become life-threatening.

  • Ventilation Equipment: Use of automated ventilation systems that can adjust airflow based on the detected atmospheric conditions helps maintain safe air quality.

  • Communication Tools: Wireless communication devices, including headsets and cameras, enable constant contact between team members and supervisors outside the confined space.


Strategies for Fostering a Culture of Safety and Compliance

Creating a strong safety culture is essential for sustained compliance and safety improvements:

  • Regular Safety Meetings: Holding frequent safety meetings to discuss recent incidents, near misses, and continuous improvement strategies keeps safety at the forefront of operational priorities.

  • Empowering Employees: Encouraging employees to report unsafe conditions and participate in safety discussions without fear of repercussions promotes a proactive approach to safety.

  • Understanding Psychological Impacts: Recognizing and addressing the psychological effects of workplace incidents on employees can enhance their well-being and engagement. This includes providing support services and fostering an environment where mental health is prioritized alongside physical safety

  • Continuous Training: Investing in ongoing training and development helps ensure that all team members are aware of the latest safety practices and technologies.


Implementing a Comprehensive Safety Management System

A well-structured safety management system (SMS) integrates all aspects of safety practices into everyday operations:

  • Risk Assessment Processes: Implementing thorough and regular risk assessments ensures that all potential hazards are identified and mitigated.

  • Safety Protocols: Developing and maintaining clear, accessible, and practical safety protocols assists workers in understanding their responsibilities and the actions to take in an emergency.

  • Performance Metrics: Tracking safety metrics and performance indicators helps measure the effectiveness of safety initiatives and identify areas for improvement.


Best Practices from Industry Leaders

Learning from industry leaders can provide valuable insights into effective safety management:

  • Case Studies: Review case studies of organizations recognized for their exemplary safety records in confined space operations.

  • Benchmarking: Comparing safety practices and performance metrics with industry leaders can help organizations set realistic safety goals and strategies.



In this comprehensive exploration of confined space regulations, requirements, and compliance, we have detailed the critical components that organizations must implement to ensure safety in confined spaces. From understanding what constitutes a confined space, through the meticulous process of obtaining and managing entry permits, to enforcing stringent safety protocols and embracing continuous improvement—every element plays a vital role in safeguarding the health and well-being of workers.

Organizations must not only comply with the stringent regulations governing confined spaces but should also strive to exceed them by adopting best practices that ensure the highest standards of safety. Engaging with professional training providers like SCAL Academy is recommended to ensure that all personnel are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to safely navigate confined space challenges.


Course Duration

0.0 Day Course

  • Training Hours – 0.0 hours

Medium Of Instruction

  • English

Funding Information

For more information, please contact Mr Daniel at 67939020 or email

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“The training provided by SCAL’s experienced and knowledgeable trainers has equipped me with an excellent grasp of construction safety and allowed me to enhance worksite safety in Woh Hup”

Govindavelalar Gunasekaran

“The course content is very relevant to my daily work and I will definitely recommend this course to my colleagues with design background at SCAL Academy.”

Daphne Yip

“SCAL Academy has a good understanding of how the industry works and the training is much better aligned with practical needs. The trainer also exhibited fantastic content knowledge and this enabled me to apply the concepts to my work.””

Kenn Tan